Empowering Steps Therapy Intensives
Delta, BC and Coquitlam, BC
Come join us for our specialized Empowering Steps Spring Break therapy intensives running from Tuesday, March 17th to Friday, March 27th (weekdays only).
Our intensive focuses on social integration, physical development and emotional regulation. Each day, the children follow a structured schedule with new activities every 15 to 30 minutes. Each child will be aided by one of our trained therapists/behavioural interventionists, with additional guidance from our Occupational Therapist on staff.
Activities featured are Empowering Steps BI, Gym and Aqua Movement Therapy, all led by our amazing ES therapists, Fine Motor activities (arts, building, crafts) led by our in-house Occupational Therapist, Music therapy sponsored by MUSIC HEALS and led by our in-house Music Therapist on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons, social group activities, games, free explorative play in the gym, and more! Please note, on Wednesdays and Fridays, the last half of the 9am-1pm intensive is spent at Poirier pool for aqua therapy and group play. Our therapists are eager and excited to work with your children in a fun and safe environment!
What to bring to the intensive
Gym bag/backpack with change of clothes
Gym clothes (bodysuit or shorts/athletic pants & t-shirt)
Running shoes
Bathing suit, towel and car seat (Wednesday/Friday 9-1 attendees)
Water bottle
4 hour intensives: 1 snack and lunch; 2 hour intesnsives: snack
NO nuts, as we aim to be a nut free facility
For new clients: signed and completed waiver